Few would argue that the global financial services industry is undergoing major change at present. Business models are changing because of advances in technology, advances in telecommunications and the impact of globalisation. The European market is gradually becoming more integrated partially driven by EU initiatives such as the Financial Services Action Plan.
Furthermore, Ireland’s attractiveness as a location for international financial services has also undergone major changes over the past 5 years or so.
The corporate fiscal environment is still very favourable although other jurisdictions have emulated Ireland in this respect. The availability of skilled labour is even greater now having been supplemented by returning emigrants from the US and the UK in particular. The telecoms infrastructure has also improved considerably. Notwithstanding these positive developments there are other factors that are less positive. Although Ireland still has cost advantages over many international centres, it is no longer considered to be a low cost location. The cost of skilled labour and property has increased relative to other markets in recent years. In addition other countries/regions have “upped their games” considerably in terms of marketing the attractiveness of locating there.
[SigmaForex White Label]
Forex White Label Program
As your partner, our goal is to support you through the planning and launch phases and beyond to ensure a mutually successful and long-term business relationship
Establish your brand in the Forex Brokerage industry.

You will also enjoy our 24-hour market, full service of back office support, and other administrative and support functions.
Ideal candidates for the Forex white label program include:
• Financial services firms that want to establish a new Forex brokerage division. For example, banks, insurance companies, etc.
• Trading firms and/or online brokers that want to offer a greater range of products to their customers. you will be providing your clients with a great value-added service while increasing the profitability of your firm.
• Companies offering Forex tools and advisory services - This can be websites or newsletters that provide an analysis of the Forex or futures market, advisory businesses, etc. that want to expand their web presence by offering online Forex trading capabilities to their existing client base.
• Forex White Label Introducing Brokers will enjoy the most advanced Forex trading software in the market. The web-based white label trading platform provides real time, streaming currency prices and instantaneous one click execution, real time management of currency positions, in addition to complete back office support and reporting features. Along with other tools to help traders make trading decisions. The software is also compatible with most operating systems. This means that your customers can trade currencies from any computer, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day.
If you want to discuss your potential Forex White Label Introducing Brokerage business with us via mail
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